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Diversity, Equality, and Biblical Fidelity


All human beings are created in the image of God (Gen 2:7, 15–25; Jas 3:9). As such every human life has inherent value, regardless of biological sex, ethnicity, culture, age, or physical ability. We are, therefore, to “honor all people” (1 Pet 2:17), and show “every consideration for all men” (Titus 3:2).


On the sixth day of creation, God made Adam and Eve. He commanded them to be fruitful and multiply and to fill the earth. All people are descended from that initial human pair (Acts 17:26). Accordingly, there is only one human race, to which all people belong.


Though all people belong to the human race, the Bible teaches that ethnic, national, and language divisions came about shortly after the Flood and the Tower of Babel (Gen 10–11). These ethnic and national divisions have often caused strife throughout human history.


The term “racism” refers to feelings of superiority, hatred, or antagonism toward members of another ethnic or national group on the basis of skin color, culture, language, or ethnic differences. Because racism is rooted in pride and hatred and presupposes anti-biblical categories (i.e., the existence of races), it is inherently sinful and condemned by Scripture. The Master’s Seminary maintains a zero tolerance policy towards racism in any form.


The only true remedy for the sin of racism is the transforming power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Those who have been reconciled to God through Christ are reconciled to one another. Their identity is found not in ethnic or cultural heritage but in Christ (2 Cor 5:16–17). The gospel is good news for persons of every tribe, tongue, nation, and people (Matt 28:19; Rev 4–5).

Biological Sex

In the beginning, God created mankind as either male or female, distinct sexes that are biologically defined and divinely imparted to each individual at conception (Gen 1:27; 2:5–23; Job 3:3; Psalm 139:13–14; 1 Cor 11:3–15).


In creation, God established the pattern for monogamous heterosexual marriage between one man and one woman (Gen 2:24; Matt 19:5). The rest of Scripture affirms that any sexual activity outside of monogamous heterosexual marriage is prohibited by God (e.g., Rom 1:24–27; 1 Cor 6:9–11).


The Bible affirms that men and women are equal in the sight of God, since both are His image bearers. As sinners, they are also equally culpable before His holy law, being trespassers (Rom 3:20). The good news of the gospel, and the hope of eternal life it presents, is likewise offered equally to all people irrespective of biological sex, ethnicity, culture, age, or physical ability.


Though men and women are ontologically equal, the Bible does not remove all distinctions of roles and situations within the church or family. Different members receive different gifts (Rom 12:4–6), there can still be poor and rich in the church (Jas 1:9–10), and the Bible identifies distinct roles for each biological sex within both the family and the church. For example, in the church, the New Testament reserves the role of elder to spiritually-qualified men (1 Tim 2:12; 3:1–7; Titus 1:6–9). This in no way diminishes the unique ways every member of the body of Christ contributes to the whole (1 Cor 12:7, 12).

Pastoral Training

Because the programs offered by The Master’s Seminary are designed to train future pastors/elders for ordained ministry, the seminary limits its student body to men only. This is in keeping with the seminary’s theological convictions, drawn from the teaching of the New Testament.

The Master’s Seminary Defines and Pursues Diversity.

The Master’s Seminary defines and pursues diversity within the framework of these biblical principles. At the end of the church age, the great congregation of the saints gathered in heaven will include those from every tribe, tongue, nation, and people. As followers of the Lord Jesus, we rejoice in the picture of heaven presented in Revelation 4–5. Compelled by His great love, we joyfully show the love of Christ to all people, presenting to them the hope that is in Christ. We also seek to raise up ministers of the gospel who will likewise reflect the compassionate character of the Savior. Our great desire is to see well-trained pastors interpret the Word of God accurately and preach it boldly in every part of the world (2 Tim 2:15; 4:2).